Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It's been a busy few weeks, with our move to the new house, the end of my maternity leave, the parade of family members sharing our space and helping with improvements...catching a breath these days takes work!

So, I present these Fishisms, which in recent days have helped to keep me grounded (or at least feed the illusion that I am).

Said in the car yesterday after I picked him and his little brother up from daycare, and realized I forgot to bring some baby paraphernalia or other home with me: "I make you happy, Mom?"

"Yes, you make me happy."

"Yepeyedo." (Yep, I do.)

To fully enjoy the boomin' system in our new (used) Jeep, my husband broke out some of our old CDs, including a few from the early 90s, like Depeche Mode's Violator. Fish is a big fan of this CD; when he's in the mood for it, he'll say "I want the robot music, Mom." When I play it, he nods his head and holds a serious expression. "I like that, Mom."

"Are you jammin', bud?"


Today I asked him what his favorite song was on the album, and he answered, without hesitation, "Personal Jesus Loves Me."